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QB2.1.13: Input/Output file patterns #905

scastria ·
What happens when the input/output file patterns have overlapping rules? Within ANT, a file is only included if it is not excluded by any rule (I think). So if an inclusion rule AND an exclusion rule both match the same file, that file is excluded. I do NOT like this ANT behavior. I think it makes more sense to have the more specific/explicit rule win over the more general/implicit rule. So if I say exclude **, but include, the is more explicit so it should win over the more generic exclude **. Implementing this can be difficult so I would also accept a first rule to match wins. This makes the order of the input/output patterns important, which is fine.

Anyway, in QB2, I have a long list of includes and excludes. One of my excludes is wildcarded. I need to include 1 file from that general exclusion but QB2 is ignoring it. I am assuming because you use the ANT rules discussed above? Can you change your implementation to one of my preferences mentioned above so this can work for me?
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robinshen ADMIN ·
QB2 relies heavily on Ant for file operations, including input/output file scanning. Since it is not trivial to change in a patch release, an improvement request is filed as below and we will try to get it addressed in a feature release: