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Able to connect mailhost over 25 port in QB server but not able to send emails over port 25 using QB job #114

Debarati1996 ·

Hi team,

Our QB server port 25 is enabled already and we are able to connect to via server.
image (2).png

But when trying to configure the email from QB web portal, it is not connecting and showing below error:
image (3).png

Email Configuration is set as below:
image (4).png

Can you please help check here..


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robinshen ADMIN ·

How are you specifying "Use SMTP over SSL" and "Enable Start TLS"?

Debarati1996 ·

Please follow the below ss:



robinshen ADMIN ·

Enable Start TLS is normally for port 587. Please check if that port is open. If not, please contact your mail admin for the correct settings.

Debarati1996 ·

Hi Robinsen,

In our QB server 25 port is enabled, 587 not enabled. Can we configure the email setting with 25 port only?

Previously it was working with 25 port only, last few weeks it is not working.


robinshen ADMIN ·

Seems that your mail admin changed something. You may disable "Enable Start TLS" to see if it works.

robinshen ADMIN ·

Also make sure to upgrade to latest QB version.

Debarati1996 ·

Working fine now.. Thanks Robinsen !!!